by Strength Through the Struggle | Nov 10, 2016 | Episode
Finding Strength through a Battle of Self Worth Shannon Elhart battled self worth from a young age. She struggled with alcohol for many years despite attempts to quit. At age 18, Shannon was raped at a fraternity party. She found all the things that a “good midwestern...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Nov 7, 2016 | Episode
Finding Strength through Failure Jim Harshaw found success as an All American wrestler. He was a top wrestler through high school and college. In his 30s, Jim found himself in the worst shape of his life with a struggling marriage and crippling debt. After analyzing...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Nov 5, 2016 | Episode
Finding Strength Through Fear Why would you accept a prediction that doesn’t serve you? Peter Scott met fear at an early age. At the age of 10 he sat in a courtroom across from his mother, testifying that her alcoholism made him feel unsafe. At the age of 25, Peter...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Oct 31, 2016 | Episode
Finding Strength through the Loss of a Child Jenelle Shamrell is mom to 6. At the age of 2, her youngest son Caleb went in for a medically necessary tonsillectomy. After complications following surgery, Caleb was prounounced brain dead. Shortly after, Caleb passed...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Oct 27, 2016 | Episode
Finding Strength in an Imperfect Childhood David Beard grew up in a home with a single mother who was involved with alcohol, drugs, and questionable men. From a young age, David was the man of the house. He and his brothers took care of his mother. Despite her...
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