by Strength Through the Struggle | Jan 15, 2017 | Blog
I’m not a stranger to struggle. In fact, my own struggles are what have led me to create Strength Through the Struggle. I learned a lot through my journeys, but the greatest lesson is this: we may not be able to choose our struggles, but we can choose how we let them...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Jan 12, 2017 | Episode
Finding Strength To Be a Good Dad Larry Hagner was adopted by his step-father when he was a young boy. Everyone who knew Larry’s father knew he was a good man, but he had a drinking problem that turned him from Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Larry’s mother, also a heavy...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Jan 8, 2017 | Episode
Finding Strength through Finding Your Inner Voice Tim Matthews never believed he was good enough. After an incident with his father when he was 7 years old, Tim chose the belief that he wasn’t worthy or good enough of anything. This belief led him down a path filled...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Jan 5, 2017 | Episode
Finding Strength in Family Secrets Thomas Clifford is a man on a mission. He is a father and a martial artist. Thomas grew up with a blessed life. As he puts it, it’s not the kind of story that makes people want to stop and listen. When you peel back the layers,...
by Strength Through the Struggle | Jan 1, 2017 | Episode
Finding Strength Through a $#!+ Storm Matt Trainer. Matt Trainer had everything. An “average” life to him included a home on the beach, partying in Dubai, and being hungover every day. However, everything came to a head after Wake Up Warrior, which has been mentioned...
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