Working It Out

Working It Out

I’m not a stranger to struggle. In fact, my own struggles are what have led me to create Strength Through the Struggle. I learned a lot through my journeys, but the greatest lesson is this: we may not be able to choose our struggles, but we can choose how we let them...
Episode 57: Larry Hagner

Episode 57: Larry Hagner

Finding Strength To Be a Good Dad Larry Hagner was adopted by his step-father when he was a young boy. Everyone who knew Larry’s father knew he was a good man, but he had a drinking problem that turned him from Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Larry’s mother, also a heavy...
Episode 56: Tim Matthews

Episode 56: Tim Matthews

Finding Strength through Finding Your Inner Voice Tim Matthews never believed he was good enough. After an incident with his father when he was 7 years old, Tim chose the belief that he wasn’t worthy or good enough of anything. This belief led him down a path filled...
Episode 55: Thomas Clifford

Episode 55: Thomas Clifford

Finding Strength in Family Secrets Thomas Clifford is a man on a mission. He is a father and a martial artist. Thomas grew up with a blessed life. As he puts it, it’s not the kind of story that makes people want to stop and listen. When you peel back the layers,...
Episode 54: Matt Trainer

Episode 54: Matt Trainer

Finding Strength Through a $#!+ Storm Matt Trainer. Matt Trainer had everything. An “average” life to him included a home on the beach, partying in Dubai, and being hungover every day. However, everything came to a head after Wake Up Warrior, which has been mentioned...